Another good post.
It was funny to watch. It was Valentine's weekend and half term for many. Judy (the pro whom most antis like to attack) was away for a nice weekend with her hubby. Other pros were busy with family activities.
Despite their recent "Block the Pros" campaign, the poor antis rapidly descended into an ugly mouth-frothing frenzy because there were no pros around to bait or fight with. Some of them concluded that this was "proof" that Judy is behind most of the pro accounts on Twitter. Liz Martin, bless her, is still trying to get the hang of this blocking business. If I had a pound for every time she announced that she was going to block us now and that we are best ignored, I'd be dining out on the spoils. Invariably, she lasts 2/3 tweets about "the case" before she starts once again to obsess about what I might be doing behind my protected account or what Judy has done in the past/is doing on her weekend away/will do on her return. The exasperation of the other antis over her apparent inability to get over us, is apparent seemingly to everyone except Liz herself. Today she resolved to not only block, but to try not to peak at out timelines either.
I guarantee it will last five tweets at the most.
Another contributing factor to the quietness on Twitter is this new software update which actually does removed blocked accounts, not only from your timeline, but also from any hashtags too. Before, I could still see blocked accounts if I read #mccann and they only disappeared from my own timeline. It's not perfect on the mobile version of Twitter, but pretty much fine on the PC version. The more vocal antis are urging all their mates to block the pros full stop and some are threatening to block those antis who do not comply. I know that some have carried through with this as Liz has been whining about some of her forker pals having blocked her.
But the tweet of the weekend had to come from Tashy Muzzy. For a few weeks now, Liz Martin has been tweeting that a pro or two had complained to her employer about her. She says her employer supports her and that she obtained a copy of the emails and gave them to her solicitor who has figured out who these evil complainants are (presumably without police warrants).
A few days ago she stated that one of the emails under investigation had come from a pro with a protected account. Both Tony & I have protected accounts and I wondered if she was accusing one of us. However, at the weekend, Liz finally spat it out and accused Tashy of having sent one of the evil emails to her employer.
Tashy's reaction to being asked if she had seen this accusation was priceless in its understatement:-
"Yeah, just been told"