From another forum with thanks, an excellent comment on this ongoing trainwreck.
The delays are really a disgrace. Judges are judges and do what they want, but giving the attorneys these continuances? In a case with foreign witnesses? It's just rude, there's no other way to put it. This is a case that was scheduled way in advance, with a date certain. It's just ridiculous.
The only reason I can think that Gerry wouldn't be able to testify is that for whatever reason he is late. That's the only reason I can think of for why Amaral's lawyer needs to also approve it, etc. It would be rare to deny the named Plaintiffs a right to testify; on the flip side, with how long this case is taking, perhaps the Judge thinks it's repetitive.
I don't know. None of it gives me any confidence in anything. For people with a victim complex an arm long, the Portuguese don't seem to give a damn about making it fair for non-Portuguese people in their courtroom. We bend over backwards for people who can't understand the language, etc., as it should be.