A Platform For Exposing The Worst Hater Trolls

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    Post  Sykes Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:15 am

    http://stopthemyths.info/viewtopic.php?f=149&t=7235&p=298657#p298657 (end of page 37)

    This is a long post from Myths. I am using the link for readers to access as it contains a dissection and comment re a posting on a certain bog blog. Thanks to Myths for this. Sykes

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    Post  Sykes Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:52 am


    To the pessimists out there who believe this case will never be solved, and that Sonia's documentary will never be aired, I think a few rudimentary facts need to be acknowledged.  The harbingers of doom, seem to have little, or no knowledge whatsoever, of the way in which the media industry and life in general, works.  With their tin foil hats clamped firmly down over their ears, they have analysed the limited information they have, and decided the world ends in 7 days.  more at link
    Usual arrangements, for the rest of you remove xxxx to access link.

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    Post  Sykes Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:46 pm

    Anonymous21 October 2015 at 16:05
    Tony Bennett reminds me of Jimmy Saville.He controls and manipulates people close to him.When they leave he tries to bully,threaten and intimidate them.Straight out of the Jimmy Saville Manual.


    Now I wonder who this Anonymous is?   Sykes

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    Post  Broho Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:42 pm

    You mean who owns a gob as bad as RH.

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    Post  Sykes Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:17 pm

    Broho wrote:You mean who owns a gob as bad as RH.  
    Anyone with the minutest braincell knows who that is, Broho. Sykes Laughing Laughing

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    Post  Sykes Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:54 pm

    Her latest sickening diatribe accusing the McCanns of abusing the twins. This is the start, you can read the rest at xxxxhttp://cristobell.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/stop-lunacy.html (remove xxxx to access link)Usual arrangement still in force. Sykes

    In response to a post on previous blog:

    I am afraid you are deluding yourself if you think the McCanns haven't harmed their remaining children 10:54. With all the lying that goes on, can you imagine how dysfunctional their home must be? Apart from terrifying the poor little mites with a story about a monster stealing Madeleine from her bed, the parents have dedicated the last 8+ years to 'getting her back'. They are growing up in the shadow of their 'lost' big sister. From their perspective, it may be that they see their parents and family as caring more about Madeleine than them. When they are adults looking back, that is undoubtedly what they will see.

    The parents proudly boast that Madeleine is 'everywhere' within their home, her bedroom has become a shrine filled with a growing stack of presents that can never be opened, they talk about Madeleine every day, they celebrate her birthday with cake. Whilst our jaws drop at the macabre and tragic 'time stood still world' of Charles Dickens' Miss Haversham, in the twilight world of McCann, it is to be applauded.

    I feel desperately sorry for those kids. Their names have been used shamelessly by their parents to tug on the heart (and purse) strings of their gullible donors. They always mention them by name in their TV interviews. Offered the chance of having their civil proceedings in Lisbon held in camera, the McCanns chose maximum publicity. The kids were then subjected to lurid UK tabloid headlines shrieking that crazy 'hater' people were trying to kidnap them and that their parents were in constant danger of being attacked. Things no 9 year old should have to read on newspaper billboards on their way to school. That the parents themselves are the authors of these headlines is just plain wicked.


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    Post  Broho Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:28 pm

    She admitted to mental illness. Anyone can see it.

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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:07 am

    Thanks to Myths and Tigerloaf
    Re: Rosalind Hutton, s.e.x and the Dalai Lama

    Postby tigerloaf » Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:13 pm
    Hutton's online abuse about the parents of a missing little girl. (words in red from Hutton, those in black, my commentary)

    "Can you imagine how dysfunctional their home must be?"
    Hardly as dysfunctional as your home - eh? Didn't your mother boot you out? Didn't your mother give up on you and dump you in a children's home? How bloody dysfunctional is that?

    "the parents have dedicated the last 8+ years to 'getting her back'"
    Hardly unusual - hasn't Kerry Needham spent far longer doing exactly the same in relation to Ben? What would you do? Just give up and say, "Sod it, I can't be bothered any more."?

    Of the twins. "It may be that they see their parents and family as caring more about Madeleine than them."
    Then again it may not. You actually don't have a clue do you? Perhaps the siblings of Madeleine also want their sister back and believe that it is human and normal to want that? But a self-confessed online abuser and self-confessed drug-addled troll can hardly understand normal human compassion can you? Truth is you are just guessing and have no dammed idea what those children feel or believe.

    Of Gerry specifically. "However, even Henry VIII with a chopping block and a team of executioners couldn't force people to say nice things about him."
    Just because you feel hatred to the man who whilst working as a NHS doctor caring for thousands of patients, and who also will not be deterred by self-confessed online abusers such as yourself does not mean that normal people (those without the mental illness you profess to suffer, those without drug addiction problems which you have repeatedly told us about) feel hate to the man. I think both Gerry McCann and his wife have done amazingly well in trying to keep people looking for their missing daughter and deserve praise for the way that they have also helped other missing children. Perhaps if you opened your eyes you would see the vast majority of people don't post hate and nastiness in the way you tell us you enjoy.

    "And, speaking for myself, even if you put me on rack and make me 2ft taller, I will still not believe Gerry and Kate are telling the truth."
    Who gives a damm what a trollop who parades herself in the papers as a "bitch" thinks? You really are full of self-importance when no importance is due to you aren't you? You could not even talk coherently about the case when given the chance on pretendy television. That's how much you matter in the grand scheme of things. Why waste energy making you two feet taller when that would just dilute unimportance further and anyway you squeal all day on the Internet without anyone forcing you?

    "I'm afraid I cannot imagine a more dysfunctional environment for kids to grow up in than that Rothley household."

    And you, booted out as a child, without a clue what a functional home is think you know best? How funny is that?

    "And I am someone who spent 5 years of my childhood being emotionally and physically abused in a convent"
    Technically, there has never been any proof of this claim of yours. Neither the courts nor the other residents in the home have backed you up in these rather fantastic claims have they? Just because you wrote a book (Were you smoking pot at the time?) does not prove the claims to be true.

    "What astounds me and chips away at my faith in human nature still further, is the abandonment of those kids by all the other adults around them, the grandparents, aunts and uncles especially. Not one of them has the guts or decency, to tell Gerry and Kate to 'stop the lunacy'."
    And just who told your saintly mother to stop the lunacy when she dumped you in a kids home? Granny? Grandad? Aunts, uncles? How bloody rude of them to let you be dumped with the Christian nuns?

    "When someone suffers a bereavement at some point, someone, usually a close family member or friend, will have that 'time to move on' talk with them. Most of us are lucky enough to have that 'someone', or we ourselves reach that stage in our time and in our ways. In the old days, we also had Marjory Proops. We have to move on, or we would be incapacitated forever more."

    Did you suffer a pseudo-bereavement when your family life died. We can all see that nobody really took you to one side to talk you through it. Every word you write proves that you have never moved on and that it still rankles with you and is very likely the crux of your online abusive persona.

    '"We are never giving up' should send a chill down the spines of everyone who has responsibility towards those children. Someone needs to tell Gerry and Kate that what they are doing is very wrong. It is not healthy for themselves and it is off the scale freaky for their kids."
    What is "off the scale freaky" is that there are old women who from pure hatred post such evil blogs without any real understanding, empathy, knowledge or indeed signs of intelligent observation. People like, you Rosalinda/Linda/Rosalind Hutton simply do not know how the McCanns are actually dealing with family life, how their friends and relatives are supporting them, how the medical profession is supporting them, how their contacts with real experts and real police unlike the amateurs such as yourself are ensuring stability and mental health for the whole family. It is a great shame that you don't have anything to focus on in your own world or you would not be so enamoured of your evil role as an online "bitch" whose only emotion appears to be hate. The fact that you declare that you will never give up hating and posting abuse is utterly sick and depraved.


    A self-confessed bitch.
    A self-confessed troll who enjoys the buzz of being abusive online.
    A self-confessed drug addict.
    A person who has confessed to having mental illness.
    A person who has no career.
    A person who has so few friends and family around her that she spends her entire life glued to the computer being abusive to others.
    A person whose own child has decried her behaviour.
    A person whose own mother gave her the boot from the family home as a child.
    A person who has lied about being a journalist.
    A person who has lied about being qualified in a number of specialities.
    A person who wrote a book, the content of which has been denied by just about every other person who knew the childrens' home including those who might have been abused as Hutton claims she was.
    A person who failed to prove her allegations of abuse in court.
    A person who tried to piggyback her book of self-pitying turgid prose on the fate of a missing little child.
    A person who has shown herself to be as lady-like as the average sow in the pigsty.
    A person who enjoys her role as a disgusting troll who thinks her role in life is to denigrate those who want to hope that a child may be alive..
    A person who rocked and nodded without providing a single original idea when interviewed on pretendy television in front of an audience of dozens.
    A person whose mother gave up on her.
    A person whose only online friends seem to be fellow trolls.
    A loner without a wide circle of friends and family for emotional and other support.
    A person whose online circle includes others of a similar hateful view on the world.

    And this person deigns to criticise the McCanns

    Gerry and Kate McCann

    Both university educated.
    Both with very useful careers
    Both with large supportive families.
    Both having been brought up in loving families.
    Neither having had a mother who booted them out of their childhood home.
    Both with wide ranging groups of friends.
    Neither addicted to online abuse,
    Neither addicted to mind-bending drugs.
    Neither having mental illness.
    Both of whom are able to conduct themselves with dignity and offer intelligent comment when interviewed on TV in front of millions of people.
    Both of whom have constantly and properly fought for their missing daughter and said that they would never give up.
    Both of whom have a wide circle of emotional and physical support from friends and professionals.

    I'll give you one guess as to whether I would prefer the McCanns to bring up their children rather than the self-confessed pot-smoking, self-confessed mentally ill, self-confessed online abuser and troll or anyone nominated by someone who is as blind as Hutton is to the reality of her own personality and abilities.

    (ps that is the personality she has herself described and demonstrated in her awful online prose not one I have dreamed up just to abuse her. My comments are wholly based on her description of her own behaviour and the content of her writing.).

    Wonderful demolition of a revolting post.   Sykes

    And what a pathetic response:  
    Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton3 November 2015 at 00:06
    Just a few words in response to the psycho tigerloaf's latest dreary rant, you are covering up the death of a child, what does that make you?  
    Why does she want the child dead?   Why?  Why?  Why?

    Last edited by Sykes on Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  coco Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:56 pm

    she 's a disgusting apology for a human being .

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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:02 pm

    Re post 68 above.  From Myths with thanks.
    catkins » Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:32 am
    You deserve a medal for reading and dissecting her garbage Tiger........

    The root of her problems goes right back to when she was dumped handed over to Care. She has a massive chip on her shoulder regarding this fact.

    I have noticed with the two people I know who were adopted...there's a little part of that (Hurt) chip wedged firmly on their shoulders. Whatever the parents reasons were.....It must hurt to be passed over to Care......

    I have to add though....they keep it private and would NEVER dream of taking out their feelings about it on someone else in pain.
    scoobydoo » Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:52 am

    Let's keep it simple for her... Parents don't stop looking for their children. Anyone who has ever been loved or loved would know that. Decades can pass but they keep looking, and siblings look too. They don't walk away because it's a chore etc.

    There is no evidence of death, all Hutton can come up with is a dog barking. A dog that did not find a single trace of Madeleine, a dog that had to be dragged back repeatedly before it barked, a dog that is trained to bark at any human material regardless of whether it came from a living person, that its handler said the bark could not be relied on it's own, that had only found one body on it's own etc.

    Hutton also neglects to mention that for madeleines body to have been in these locations and the mccanns to be involved requires a complicated, planned conspiracy involving a huge number of disperate people.

    The hypocrisy is astounding though. How long has she been obsessing about Madeleine, the child of strangers? How many years had passed between her alleged abuse and her launching a court case and book? Did her actions have the goal of saving a child?

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    Post  Sykes Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:15 am

    Further to post 68 above, with thanks to Myths and tigerloaf.
    tigerloaf » Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:39 pm

    A few more gems from the person who proudly calls herself a bitch and a troll, who proudly defended her right to announce just how much she enjoys the buzz of being an online abuser, who lied about being a journalist and declares herself an authoress on the basis of having one book published in small numbers.

    "I wouldn't be surprised if some of those antagonists are angry family members shamed by the truth. Not one of them has the guts to point out the lunacy of what Maddie's parents are doing, they are taking the easy path to protect themselves. You can kind of see why Gerry and Kate are as they are."
    The problem with this response is that it defies human nature. Rosalind/Linda/Cristobel/Rosalinda Hutton (Why do you have so many silly versions of your name?), you seem to believe that continuing the search for your missing daughter/sister/grand daughter / niece / cousin for eight or more years is abnormal. Somebody should help you to understand that it is not abnormal at all. It is human instinct. It is family. It is real love. Why, I wonder, can you not see this reality? Why do you think that searching for your missing loved one is perverse in some way? Is that more insight into your nature, the nature of the woman who takes actual pride in being trashed in a national newspaper as an online bitch"?

    "In Tigerloaf's rebuttal (lol) of my above blog, all his responses are insults towards myself and my parents. He has not addressed any of the points I raised. His only justification for the parents continuing the search was reference to Kerry Needham. They seem to have a bee in their bonnet about Kerry these days."
    How bloody dense must you be? You told us about your parents booting you out. You told us about your drug habit? You told us about your mental illness. You told us you enjoyed being an online abusive bitch. I have simply repeated (in slightly different wording perhaps, but nonetheless retaining absolutely the facts and the truth of your own words) what you told us. And why did I do this? Because these facts that you have told us are the very basis of your inhumane and twisted points in your disgustingly evil blog. People who have not suffered the fate of being booted out of the home, whose minds are not warped by drugs and whose mental stability is not in question do not hold the beliefs that you, the self-confessed trolling bitch holds. Does you simply not understand that your own description of yourself in these terms defines you for all those who read your blog and other writing/write-ups? Do you, the so-called authoress not realise that the words you write describing yourself are what the public know of you? I have no bee in my bonnet about anything. I have mentioned Kerry Needham in one post in about a thousand. I bet, you Hutton have mentioned her far more frequently. I used the example of Kerry Needham because she has tried to do the same as the McCanns for far longer, because unlike you Hutton, Kerry Needham actually knows and understands the anguish of a missing child and that a caring, loving parent never, never, never gives up. You Hutton, suggest you believe that it would be right just to say "Sod, it! We've done enough now. Let's forget the kid and get on!." No civilised human being believes that is right. However Hutton you appear to. Incidentally my entire previous post was a critique of what you wrote as is this one. I am addressing the issues as you raise them. Your self-obsession is preventing you from seeing that and apparently making this all about yourself whereas within each section I am looking at the veracity and validity of your comments including their direct relationship to the McCann case. I am supporting the McCann standpoint in relation to the matters you raise because I believe it is the natural, normal, loving and caring standpoint but a self-confessed online bitch would find that hard to comprehend I suppose.

    "Whilst I have nothing but respect and compassion for Kerry, I don't agree with what she is doing either. Her talents could be put to so much better use helping kids who are in danger now. She would make an excellent spokeswoman for a worthy charity."
    Yeah, Kerry, don't you think you've milked this enough? Give up on that kid of yours and just help others. Surely by now you could manage to forget him? Best idea yet, from Hutton. Kerry Needham should place just a bit less emphasis on her own missing family member and become a spokesperson for a worthwhile charity. Funny that! Kate McCann gets slated for doing precisely what you are suggesting of Kerry. You really are a bit confused Rosalind/Linda/Rosalind aren't you? Not surprising really with all those multiple personalities. By the way, do you really believe after the tens of thousands of hateful words you have posted online, the proud boast you made of enjoying the buzz of online abuse that you have compassion in you at all? I don't and I know others who find it incredibly hard to believe too.

    "Sadly, when a family is hit by tragedy there is a temptation to become trapped in a time warp and draw other people in with you. Kate and Gerry are trapped in that time warp. Reliving again and again, the night Madeleine disappeared. It's almost the first question every interviewer asks."
    You flaming hypocrite! Who is trapped in a time warp here? The McCanns who have a goal, a genuine aim in life, in finding their missing child or the proud online troll who for nigh on fifty years has been trapped in the mind of the child who thought she was being abused by being booted out of her home by her parents and who never shuts up about it and whose only visible goals are the continuation of her whinges about her claimed abuse and her buzz from her online abuse activities?

    "In what universe is it a good thing to relive the same nightmare every day for the rest of your life Tigerloaf? Oh, and pass it on to your kids. And what kind of sick fucks would encourage you to?"
    Again, I repeat you are a flaming hypocrite, Hutton. You really are! Day after day, fifty years after the event you whinge and whine about your emotional scarring at the hands of the nuns and priests (none of which has ever been proved by anyone). Did you jump on a bandwagon to release your demons I wonder when abuse was the talk of town and you took an opportunity to write your book, in the way you jumped on the McCann bandwagon to publicise your book and attempt to profit from that? You just don't understand the difference between the nature of the McCann's ongoing situation where there is a missing child who could still be found and your emotional trauma when your parents put you in a home fifty years ago and which is no longer an ongoing issue except in your head? More importantly you have no bloody idea about the way the McCanns are bringing up their children. You have heard a few comments in interviews about their always remembering the missing child, about them keeping her special, about them never giving up hope on their family member but you have no idea how special they make the twins feel, how important the twins' development is and the celebration of events in their lives. You simply presume to think that every waking moment is devoted to Madeleine and Madeleine alone. You are missing the point that the McCanns are only on TV discussing Madeleine once in a blue moon and of course they focus entirely on her then. Your warped view of their lives as a family are simply rancid imaginations which show how your mind works and have no bearing on the reality of McCann family life. The real question which civilised people would ask is what kind of parent would not want the brother and sister of a missing child to remember her as their loving sister which she clearly was when at home and could even be in the future if ever found?

    "Probably the kind of snivelling coward who hides behind a troll name to hurl abuse at strangers on the net. Not so much a tiger as a chicken."
    More rampant hypocrisy from yourself. Remember the names I have called you are entirely derived from your own descriptions of yourself or from valid reasoning such as when I call you a hypocrite and the evidence is in your own words or when I explain that human love makes your comments about the way the McCanns behave completly normal rather than perverse as you describe it. Your sentence immediately above is ill thought through. You had a motive when you joined the McCann conversation for using your own name. It is not the norm in online debate to do so. Indeed it is only normally done so for self-publicity which we all recognise was your motive. The non-stop promotion of your book when you joined the debate (long. long after the actual disappearance of Madeleine) was quite sickening in its intensity. Much the same could be said of Bennett when he joined long before you did. (Oh I have heard incidentally, that you claim to have been involved almost immediately back in 2007. If that is the case where are the posts with your name attached? Why does nobody recall you? ) I am not a self-publicist. I care about the content of what is posted not the personality. Your criticism of me does not relate to my posting. You are simply acting like an infant with your name-calling. I am not hurling abuse. I am going to the heart of the content of your posts and showing what a hateful pile of manure they really are.

    "Just a few words in response to the psycho tigerloaf's latest dreary rant, you are covering up the death of a child, what does that make you?"
    Once again you act like a playground child using big words but making a fool of yourself by doing so. There is no indication of psychopathy in my posts to you. Do you even know what the word means? Do you not realise that the psychopathic behaviour is from you; your amorality in proclaiming your getting a buzz from online abuse of others, your rather inhumane, unloving take on the way people show their love for each other by not giving up on them, your evil proclamation that a missing child is dead when there is not a single piece of evidence to prove that and so on and so on.

    "Tigerloaf is covering up his name and identity, he is a cowardly troll."
    Actually, I am not as you describe. I am using an online name as tens of millions of others do in normal online interaction on forums. You are the exception. You are the publicity-seeking woman who had a book to sell and latched onto the McCann case to try to raise a profile. You failed and now squeal that those who engage in the normal process are not as you think they should be. There is nothing cowardly in doing what everybody else is doing. There is, however something rather nasty in doing as you did and (failed to succeed in doing well), that is piggybacking the story of a missing child for profit. Oh, and the reason you failed in your nasty aim? Very simple, your innate nastiness came to the fore and you got addicted to the buzz of abusing others. Never an attractive or helpful trait when trying to get money from people. But a trait that you seem to be proud of. More fool you.


    "As for evidence of death, the Sun video with the specialist dogs barking in Apartment 5A and the hire car and at Kate's clothes and cuddlecut was pretty definitive. Then of course there is the fact that Kate and Gerry have never shown any interest in any sighting."
    Here you show just how bloody ignorant you truly are. You have been suckered hook line and sinker. The videos which are not in their original form are not even remotely definitive as you suggest. The police have the original unedited videos and have not ever considered them definitive. But more importantly they don't even stand as evidence. Did you not read the categorical statement from the dog handler that the alerts are not evidence? Did you miss that in your rush to pronounce a child dead? Clearly you did. Any number of issues arise regarding the dog videos, relating to the way the scene of potential crime was managed, (rented out to all and sundry before being examined, for example), relating to the way clothing was not properly handled, relating to the clearly visible posters in the McCann car which Grime says he did not know was the one used by the McCanns, relating to the way the toy was only alerted to after deliberate intervention by the handler etc. Those videos would be torn to shreds even if a court were to consider allowing them as evidence by a newbie solicitor never mind an experienced barrister and anyone looking at them with a clear perspective can realise that immediately. As for your second comment which you claim to be a fact relating to the McCanns showing no interest you are simply wrong on at least two occasions, and have no idea about the way they have actually reacted to them on others. You seem to think a few comments by them in interviews is the sum of their feelings. Think back Linda Hutton and remember just how little you got across when interviewed by the pretendy journalist on the pretendy TV show. Not everything actually comes out in an interview, most of what you seem to write about is mere surmising on your part not actual fact as you claim.

    That is what sickens me most about what you post Rosalind Hutton. The fact that much of what you claim to be fact is nothing of the sort. The fact that you base your vicious commentary on such non-facts is pure evil. I truly pity anyone such as yourself who spends hour after hour after hour posting vicious lies for the buzz. What a sad and pathetic life!
    Another good demolition of Hutton and her spurious drivel.   Sykes

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    Post  Sykes Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:33 pm

    From Myths, collates with post 70 above.
    Whiterose » Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:52 am
    This woman bases her opinions on the her own life, listen you air brained mouthy moron, NORMAL people who have a child or adult who is missing, will never forget them they will always wonder where they are what they are doing what is happening in their life, are they dead? NORMAL people do not just carry on with their lives as if nothing has happened. Madeleine went missing from her bedroom, taken by who knows who, to who knows where, can you imagine for one minute of your muddled self observed life, what that can feel like for the parents?

    You are talking as if Madeleine has died and that they have had a funeral for her, mourned, said good bye to her. They have done none of these things, they are in limbo, not knowing what has happened to their daughter.

    To say why don't they just close the door on what happened to Madeleine is like saying in a very simple way, lets close the door on someone who may be calling for help outside of that door, would you just close your door on that someone?

    Madeleine is their precious daughter, S*** and A*****'s sister, she is a Granddaughter, a cousin, a niece all of these people miss her and want her back, for you, just some blogger who has no idea what it feels like to have a missing child to say that all these people should tell the McCann's to stop looking for Madeleine is like a lunatic telling someone they must be mad.

    Do you honestly think the McCann's have not had help from experts when dealing with the twins? Do you not think they have thought out and taken in what these experts have said to them when dealing with the twins? Unlike you the McCann's are intelligent and sane, and are no doubt bringing their children up to be loving level headed human beings.

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    Post  Sykes Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:07 pm

    From Myths with thanks; hutton's reply to tigerloaf's post 71 above - long on insults, short on actual content and sense.
    Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton4 November 2015 at 13:52
    What a boring bast'ad you are tigerloaf. Even though I am the subject of your latest dreary diatribes I found myself nodding off. Are you related to Bennett? lol

    You are absolutely right not to seek publicity for yourself, your 'work' is embarrassingly inept, you come across as a thug attempting to be a scholar, but you clearly lack any education because you have no understanding of the texts you read.

    I cannot stress enough how important it is for kids, or anyone hoping to go further with their education, to comprehend the words they are reading. Sadly, even A-level students stray away from the set questions to give answers they have already prepared. Then they wonder why they fail.

    Politicians do it all of the time of course, because they know they only have a limited time in which to get their message across and not answering questions is the name of the game.

    Tigerloaf's message is, in case anyone missed it, lol, is that I am a low life trollop booted out by mother at the age of 9 because I was such a horrible kid and I have had a hatred for anyone who is 'nice' and successful ever since. He fails to understand that even if I were guilty of one or more of the above, it wouldn't make one iota of difference to the innocence or guilt of the McCanns.

    Well I'm not going to bother replying because it is actually a reflection of tigerloaf's own warped view of the world that surrounds him, and it's a little bit sad. I don't know if he is aware of just how much he is revealing about himself.

    I am not trying to inflict pain on a family. I am trying to stop that family from inflicting more pain on themselves. My interest in this case is the study of human behaviour and psychology, but first and foremost, I hate to see anyone suffer. No matter what they have done. I am offering sound advice, I understand the dilemma they are in, and as a poster said above, I believe they do want the best for the kids. And the best thing for the kids is the truth. Sadly, the parents believe they can contain the lie within the family, someone needs to tell them that they can't. It isn't cruel it is reality. Just as we have to tell screaming toddlers they can't play their drum in Sainsburys and cantankerous teenagers they can't dye their hair green, we have to say no to grown up kids too. It seems to me that the only child and the youngest sibling haven't heard that word too often in their lives.

    It is impossible to observe a ship sinking without showing any concern for the passengers on board, even if some of them are currently enjoying Spanish canapes on a passing yacht. Methinks many remain who never have wanted to get on it in the first place, including a few who had no choice.

    At some point there is going to be a mad scramble for the lifeboats, very few will actually want go down with the ship. The enthusiasm for the Madeleine Fund dropped dramatically after Kate and Gerry were made arguidos as did the updates from family and friends. Gerry and Kate alone have been the public face of The Madeleine Fund and the Madeleine awareness campaign, the Fund has no employees and the facebook page is run by the sinister nameless and faceless 'webmaster'. The McCanns are still using the paid services of Clarence Mitchell, where are all the keen family spokespeople who stepped up to the plate in 2007? Is a spokesman really a valid expense for a Fund that is supposedly for the search for a lost child?

    I suspect that those who support the revival of the McCanns search for Madeleine have their own reasons for wanting the public to believe the child is alive, but the wellbeing of the parents and the twins are not among them. If they believed what they were doing was morally sound and defensible, they would do it in their own names. Let's face it, the parents could do with the support.

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    Post  Sykes Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:58 pm

    From Myths with thanks.
    scoobydoo » Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:22 pm
    Oh god, just looked at Sykes and saw Hutton's latest rant, sorry scholarly text, where she announces she won't reply to tiger whilst writing several paragraphs in reply! Apparently Hutton is just trying to help the McCanns by trying to get them to stop searching for a missing child and instead say they killed her because that is what Hutton says. Apparently Hutton knows better than the met, the Portuguese police, the Portuguese attorney general, missing people, the ncmec, actual psychologists and trauma experts, and people who have gone though losing a child such as John Walsh, Winnie Johnson, Kerry needham, Sharon Lee etc I wonder what makes her such an expert, and what makes her the person who knows best for other peoples children.

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    Post  Sykes Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:37 am

    From Myths with thanks - tigerloaf's rebuttal of Hutton's latest attack post No 73 ^^^^.
    Postby tigerloaf » Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:31 pm
    Over seven hundred words of a none-reply. Trying to pretend you don’t care Rosalind but your seven hundred and more words prove the reality is other than you claim.

    "What a boring bast'ad you are tigerloaf. Even though I am the subject of your latest dreary diatribes I found myself nodding off. Are you related to Bennett? Lol"
    This paragraph contains absolutely no rebuttal of my arguments relating to Hutton. It is merely personal abuse, something she has publicly said gives her a buzz. Yet again, more proof that she is nothing more than a nasty troll. And how ladylike this self-confessed bitch appears in public!

    "You are absolutely right not to seek publicity for yourself, your 'work' is embarrassingly inept, you come across as a thug attempting to be a scholar, but you clearly lack any education because you have no understanding of the texts you read. "
    Again just abuse, no indication as to why the forum post which for some bizarre reason Hutton refers to as “work” is inept. Just Hutton being abusive. For information, my ripping her sentences to shreds is not “work”. Unlike her I actually do work. I do a full-time job which pays taxes to help those who choose to idle their time behind computers all day in their attempts, it seems, to avoid real work. As for my lack of education. She is having a “laff”. I don’t pretend to be a scholar. My own formal education ended at the age of 24 many, many years ago, though since then I have attended many long and short courses leading to specific qualifications. It is clear she has no qualifications whatsoever in any of the fields she claims to have studied or have expertise in or she would have regaled us with them ad infinitum. Reading books is not the same as studying, but not having studied beyond the basics perhaps she never was taught that. As for these “texts” I do wonder precisely which “texts” she is suggesting I don’t understand. If she was actually serious she would highlight the “texts” in question and explain just how my understanding is flawed but she seems to think just being abusive by claiming I don’t understand something is proof that she is right about it. The concept of going as far as to actually demonstrate what you insinuate or claim is based in truth is quite beyond her. So I ask, what “texts” is she claiming I don’t understand? I would like her to show her reasoning as to what leads her to believe I don’t understand. I bet I understand far better than she does if push comes to shove.

    "I cannot stress enough how important it is for kids, or anyone hoping to go further with their education, to comprehend the words they are reading. Sadly, even A-level students stray away from the set questions to give answers they have already prepared. Then they wonder why they fail. "
    My responses to her earlier posts are precisely targeted at the content of her “work”( CRISTOBELL/HUTTON'S LATEST HATE-FILLED RAMBLINGS PART 2 - Page 3 Laughat ). That she has the nerve to suggest I come with prepared answers when anyone with the most limited grasp of English can see how specifically I use her own “work” and words in the sentences I reply to, to show how her own description of herself as an online abuser and bitch is accurate, I find amusing. I would go so far as to say it clearly demonstrates that she has failed to comprehend what I wrote. There, its that easy. I show examples and demonstrate that her lack of comprehension is real. A shame she just posts abuse and doesn't show it to be based in truth.

    "Politicians do it all of the time of course, because they know they only have a limited time in which to get their message across and not answering questions is the name of the game. "
    A complete irrelevance. There were no questions posed to me to be avoided. Or did she miss that basic fact? Very true about politicians but utterly irrelevant in this scenario when I am simply drawing out the truth about her from her own words.

    "Tigerloaf's message is, in case anyone missed it, lol, is that I am a low life trollop booted out by mother at the age of 9 because I was such a horrible kid and I have had a hatred for anyone who is 'nice' and successful ever since. He fails to understand that even if I were guilty of one or more of the above, it wouldn't make one iota of difference to the innocence or guilt of the McCanns. "
    Hutton seems quite incapable of grasping that my purpose in writing what I did was nothing to do with the McCanns. It shows that she has completely and utterly failed to read properly what was written. Because she failed to understand I will set it out quite clearly. The purpose of my replying to Hutton was not to deal with the McCann case at all in that last post or the previous one. I think most people who commented clearly understood that. What I set out (and believe I achieved) was to demonstrate just how nasty and mis-informed was the claptrap she was spouting. I have done the same again here but also included a few comments more pertinent to the McCann case. For Hutton's information not everyone on the outside of the little online world she inhabits is obsessed with the McCanns. It is a great pity she cannot even inform herself properly when replying to a few sentences on a forum by reading and properly understanding them.

    "Well I'm not going to bother replying because it is actually a reflection of tigerloaf's own warped view of the world that surrounds him, and it's a little bit sad. I don't know if he is aware of just how much he is revealing about himself."
    Why has she posted such a pathetic lie in the middle of a seven-hundred word reply to me? Is she taking some kind of substance which is preventing her from grasping what she is doing from moment to moment? If, for explaining in simple terms to this nasty woman that loving, kind and normal humans don’t simply give up on a missing child and say “Sod it, that’s me done. Let’s get on with the rest of our lives and forget the kid!” she perceives me to have a warped view of the world then I truly pity her. For it is indeed her view of the world which is actually very badly warped. If by exhorting her to stop posting disgusting lies about the dog video being evidence that Madeleine McCann is dead I am revealing that I believe in truth, compassion and genuine justice based on the principles of law for missing children and the families who were left behind then I am actually proud to reveal that about myself. I simply don’t care that the self-confessed drug abuser, the self-confessed online abuser and bitch doesn’t like the truth I tell about her, about the dogs and her inability to understand the evidence. I know that I am doing the right thing and that I am behaving both with dignity and with the law on my side. In this instance the law of Portugal and the law of the UK. Why people like Hutton claim to know better than the real experts who have seen the real evidence and spoken at length to the people involved I have no idea. It is not a sane view of the world, especially when supported by the personal abuse which she is so enamoured of.

    "I am not trying to inflict pain on a family. I am trying to stop that family from inflicting more pain on themselves. My interest in this case is the study of human behaviour and psychology, but first and foremost, I hate to see anyone suffer. No matter what they have done. I am offering sound advice, I understand the dilemma they are in, and as a poster said above, I believe they do want the best for the kids. And the best thing for the kids is the truth. Sadly, the parents believe they can contain the lie within the family, someone needs to tell them that they can't. It isn't cruel it is reality. Just as we have to tell screaming toddlers they can't play their drum in Sainsburys and cantankerous teenagers they can't dye their hair green, we have to say no to grown up kids too. It seems to me that the only child and the youngest sibling haven't heard that word too often in their lives."
    The truth is that Hutton is an interfering old biddy without the slightest qualification to pronounce on any aspect of psychology, human behaviour or law. Her personal views on the matter based on the years of trying (and clearly failing) to come to terms with her seriously unsettled childhood are not expertise. They are simply opinions from a total amateur and the way she expresses them (as she herself admits) is frequently very abusive. Her advice may seem sound to her but it is not professional nor based on genuine love for the missing child and the parents who are suffering that loss. Her claim to understand “the dilemma they are in” is based on a crass, false premise which she is too cowardly to utter in this reply to me above (the seven-hundred word reply which she isn’t / wasn’t going to write). She believes that the McCanns have committed some crime, that they are hiding some dark secret. But she has absolutely no proof of that no matter how much her lack of understanding of the nature of evidence and law has convinced her otherwise. Reading a pot boiler by a disgraced ex-cop with a grudge is no way to get genuine knowledge about a missing person case. Relying on amateur translations of documents and news articles is not how the police work, nor is it the way any professional works in any field. However it is the way Hutton has worked.

    "It is impossible to observe a ship sinking without showing any concern for the passengers on board, even if some of them are currently enjoying Spanish canapes on a passing yacht. Methinks many remain who never have wanted to get on it in the first place, including a few who had no choice."
    Hutton can dream on in her drug-addled, mind-bending fantasies but there is no ship sinking as she imagines. Where in those two sentences directly above is the love or compassion she claims to feel? Nowhere. Those sentences sound like somebody salivating and drooling at the thought of others suffering. Incidentally the first sentence is gobbledygook in English. Maybe in pothead speak it makes some sense to have passengers on a sinking ship enjoying canapes on a passing yacht. In the real world it is gibberish.

    "At some point there is going to be a mad scramble for the lifeboats, very few will actually want go down with the ship. The enthusiasm for the Madeleine Fund dropped dramatically after Kate and Gerry were made arguidos as did the updates from family and friends. Gerry and Kate alone have been the public face of The Madeleine Fund and the Madeleine awareness campaign, the Fund has no employees and the facebook page is run by the sinister nameless and faceless 'webmaster'. The McCanns are still using the paid services of Clarence Mitchell, where are all the keen family spokespeople who stepped up to the plate in 2007? Is a spokesman really a valid expense for a Fund that is supposedly for the search for a lost child?"
    Can you sense the exhilaration in the Hutton mind? The words show a keen desire to see the family of a missing little girl perhaps miss some imaginary lifeboats (all illusions in the mind of this nasty self-confessed troll because there is no indication except in the fantasy world she portrays of any demise of anyone in the McCann sphere), With the nasty idea being painted of people suffering for supporting the parents of a missing child comes the nasty surmising and making of claims about them (of course with nothing to support her claims). I wonder could Hutton if asked actually prove her contention that Mitchell is still paid for his services or is this troll just making nasty remarks based on nothing but her very idle guesswork?

    "I suspect that those who support the revival of the McCanns search for Madeleine have their own reasons for wanting the public to believe the child is alive, but the wellbeing of the parents and the twins are not among them. If they believed what they were doing was morally sound and defensible, they would do it in their own names. Let's face it, the parents could do with the support."
    Revival? On what other planet has this utterly deluded and nasty self-confessed bitch been living for the past few years? I am a member of the public. I want to see her alive for my own reason, certainly. That is because it would be the best outcome of a long and sad saga. It isn’t the most likely outcome I know, but I believe fervently the possibility remains because unlike those who cannot understand the evidence, who refuse point blank to listen to the police and who are self-confessed nasty bitches, I have hope and feel compassion for the family concerned. I don’t need to self-publicise as Hutton does to feel compassion and concern. I never have needed to and never will. Hutton clearly has missed a great deal over the years and stayed in the bunker of aggressive hate and nastiness far too long or she would understand just how much support the McCanns actually have in the real world, the world of their friends, their family, their colleagues and those who understand both the law and the true nature of compassion and justice and wish to see a civilised law-abiding society where people do not get abused because trolls want to abuse. Self-confessed nasty online, or real-world abusers and trolls have no place in civilised society. But do enjoy your bitching, Hutton. It really suits you. Does your bitching bring real love, friendship and happiness? Is the buzz worth it I wonder? Somehow I doubt it but I have always set my sights on ambitions higher and, I believe, a little more fulfilling than an ephemeral buzz gained from being nasty to people online. No doubt your mother would be proud of you though!.
    Attaboy/girl, tigerloaf, sock it to her!!    Sykes

    CRISTOBELL/HUTTON'S LATEST HATE-FILLED RAMBLINGS PART 2 - Page 3 Oh-yeah-happy-facebook-cover

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    Post  Sykes Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:57 pm

    Friday, 6 November 2015

    The case of missing Madeleine changed irreversibly in July 2007 when specialist dogs were brought over from the UK on the advice of Mark Harrison MBE, a highly qualified search specialist on behalf of the British NPIA, who advised the Portuguese police to investigate the parents.

    As we know from the infamous Sun video, these highly trained EVRD dogs alerted to the scent of blood and cadaver in the McCann's apartment, to their belongings and to car they hired 3 weeks after Madeleine disappeared. No-where else.  The boot of the hire car was seen left open overnight and the foul smell explained away with stories of rotting meat, babies nappies and trips to the local dump.
    For more boring drivel, use link below, remove xxxx to access.  Arrangement still in force.   Sykes


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    Post  Sykes Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:08 pm

    From another forum with thanks.
    Hutton demonstrates her utter IGNORANCE yet again. A poster on her bog correctly states, on the subject of the wonderwoofs, snipped quote:
    Motivational factors - SOME
    Same for the guy who shot the Luz dogs vid. - The Sun paid him 40k

    So, ignoramus Hutton replies:

    As for the guy from the Sun who shot the video, he was recording the dogs in action, he was an onlooker, no more. And considering the video went viral, £40k was probably not that much.  
    Mutton doesn't even know that 'the guy from the Sun' was none other than the fraudster Duarte Levy, Morais' ex-boyfriend.   In what alternative universe is it even remotely acceptable for guys from the Sun/onlookers/Morais' ex-boyfriend to interfere in police investigations, film them and then sell them for profit?  Levy - notoriously a close friend of Amoral - is also the person that splattered the so-called 'PJ files' all over the internet.

    As hutton clearly knows NOTHING about any of this, she'd be well advised to zip it and stop demonstrating her utter ignorance.

    On the other hand, it's very amusing to watch - so carry on, do!


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    Post  Sykes Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:58 am

    Hutton allowing abuse and complete fabrications on her blog:
    Anonymous9 November 2015 at 00:01
    Are you completely thick? prick your ears up you numbskull. When Kate was confronted with the fact that the dogs had alerted to cadaver on her clothes she made the excuse that she'd been wearing them for work, supposedly attending six dead bodies which turned out to be untrue!! Use your common sense if you have any to work out why she would need to lie about that.

    With reference to your last comment it's about time you took your own advice because you're the one talking a load of shit. I suggest you read the facts, and do some proper research before commenting further.
    The thick numbskull talking sh*t is the hater that appears to be unaware that Amaral's chum Cristovao invented the 'six bodies' rubbish to sex up his grubby, exploitative potboiler.

    Kate McCann said no such thing; Hutton is allowing complete falsehoods to be spread.

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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:19 am

    Hutton's arrogance and delusion knows no bounds:
    Anonymous9 November 2015
    In time, when everything's calmed down a bit and the PTB have worked out how to solve this trying and difficult dilemma, I hope Rosalinda and Kate can meet up for lunch/brunch or whatever and just have a human to human chat about anything but this blasted case.
    Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton9 November 2015 at 23:23
    I would be happy to meet Kate at any time 22:27 and I guarantee my absolute discretion. For me this has never been about a witch hunt, it is the human behaviour and the psychological aspects, that intrigue me. I want to understand why, and I am a good listener.
    'Absolute discretion'? From the attention-seeking egotist that washes her own dirty laundry all over the internet? That has NO concept of normal human behaviour? That pays NO attention to anything that doesn't fit in with her own warped world-view, and is therefore NOT a 'good listener'?

    Of course it's a witch-hunt to Hutton - one look at the vile, sadistic manner in which she attacked the WHOLE McCann family, including Madeleine's brother and sister, is proof positive of that. Who else but a witch-hunter would drool and dribble all over a tabloid about 'trolling' and 'squishing'? Who else but a witch-hunter would base their sadistic attacks on garbage, gossip and forum myths?

    Why on earth would Kate McCann want a lying, malicious, attention-seeking, self-confessed troll anywhere near her?

    Is this going to be Hutton's next attention-seeking game? Demanding Mrs McCann meet her, or else? Is Hutton's BFF Sonia pulling her strings again?

    Would Kate McCann ever considering sitting down for a 'chat' with this apology of a woman who has accused her of the calculated murder of her eldest child?   Of course not.    Sykes


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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:33 pm

    Why on earth would Kate McCann want a pitchforker that says things like:


    anywhere near her, or her family? One hopes this isn't some kind of stunt dreamed up by Sonia; the 'anonymous' comment which opened the door to this latest nastiness has raised one or two suspicions.....

    Hutton proving that not only is she a witch-hunter:


    She is a witch-hunter that delights in making malicious, false accusations.

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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:33 pm

    Totally sick evil bitch.   Sykes
    Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton10 November 2015 at 13:48
    Jaw jaw is better than war war 08:25. And when the time comes, I will be one of the few voices calling for calm and compassion.

    And I'm not a hunter 08:25, I'm afraid the ancient me would have been partaking in the rotting grapes and chiselling poems into a rock while the hunters and gatherers were knocking 7 bells out of the dinosaurs and each other.

    Like many of the people who comment on this case I have no personal interest in it whatsoever. The way in which Gerry and Kate live their lives matters not one iota to me. I am not challenging the ideology of one man, one woman and 2.4 kids (well, maybe a bit), for many people it is a fulfilling and rewarding life choice. The sentimental little ole wine drinker me, even gets a little choked up whenever I hear Anthony Newley belting out 'What kind of fool am I?'. But then I remember exactly what kind of fool I was. I would now question the wisdom of partying it up with Anthony Boudain and a shed load of mind altering substances in New Orleans for a week would really be such a good idea? To be fair, I could still sway either way.

    I like being alone! Some people just do, why can't society accept that? There is no evidence that the animals went in two by two, few species demand a wedding ring, a shindig, a punch up with the inlaws and a legal document that binds them to Jethro and all the Clampetts for the rest of their lives. They just get on with the recreating.

    As for jealousy? Another concept I do not understand. I have never wanted the life Kate has, not even when I was a starry eyed teenager. I am one of those people to whom the idea of shackling yourself to another person for the rest of your life the stuff of nightmares! Whilst I have loved men, the words 'while your up make a cup of tea love' sends shivers down my spine and my brain into overdrive with plots involving ice picks and patios. Ditto, jealousy of the detached house in the 'burbs with room for a pony and the large supportive family. To me that means commitment to a large supportive family I probably don't even like. My time is precious, I don't want the obligations that being part of a large family entails and besides, my fictional heroines would turn into serial killers. For my close familand chosen friends, I have all the time in the world, I'm not a loner Tigerloaf, just very selective.

    I have no desire to inflict misery on Kate and Gerry or indeed any living creature. I am intelligent enough and have had enough experience of mental torment to understand that the parents and family must be in turmoil. How could they not be. They need independent, constructive advice. No matter what they have done, they are still human beings and the last thing this case needs is a baying mob.

    Sadly, punishment never repairs the damage done. Our human instinct is revenge, but it never makes us feel any better. As for my 'witch hunting'. I have never understood, nor wanted any part in, mob mentality. I have no desire to see anyone burn, and yes, it has made me unpopular all my life. I live with it, lol.

    I don't so much want to punish Kate and Gerry as make them stop what they are doing, because they are hurting others and they are hurting themselves. As Confucious said, 'Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves'.

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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:41 pm

    Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton10 November 2015 at 14:57
    What I like about Goncalo Amaral is that he is human 21:54, with all the human frailties that entails. He is the dogged detective who's home life is allegedly a shambles, that is, he is the popular hero an audience can empathise with because they have faults too.

    Few people can empathise with Kate and Gerry because they are too perfect. And the truth is, very few of us are. The account of family life that Kate gives in her book Madeleine is alien to all of us. It is wooden and contrived. No family with 3 toddlers can survive a holiday, or even a day, without the words divorce or murder being thrown backwards and forwards. And I mean murder of each other here, not the children. When you are vying for child free time every marriage becomes a battlefield. And when you are a weary, keeping up with the Jones's middle class professional, you need a break from being on call to 3 squawking offspring 24/7 more than most. You can kind of see why mummy penguins go off on a treacherous 1000k trek once they have laid their eggs.

    Much as we love the little tykes, we usually return from holidays discussing ways in which to divide up the house the dog, the furniture and the kids and vowing only to speak to each other through solicitors. Happily, by the time we get home and opened the Duty Free, all is forgiven and we are planning the next one and maybe having a last minute conga.

    It is the sense of unreality that alienates the McCann followers, they can scream it's Goncalo's fault from the top of the roof for evermore, but it won't change the fact that it has always been their own behaviour that has aroused suspicion.

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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:26 pm

    aiyoyo Today at 3:50 pm
    @aquila wrote:
    Cristobell is now taking 'traffic' away from MMM forum (not that it has much going for it anyway as most of it is dedicated to having a bitch at CMoMM) and expanding her blog hits (n.b. around 20% of the response to the selected published posts is from Cristobell herself) whilst no longer basking in the public announcement support/facility to promote said blog on MMM. She pooped on that platter and decent people left the forum.

    Cristobell has taken to the airwaves of Twitter to make public announcements as a direction to her blog where she resides in custody of what can and can't be published. No more tweets of bashing Tony Bennett (well, just a tad of spite introduced to 'keep things going') since the very serious tweets and posts insinuating Tony Bennett is a paedophile and the subsequent police involvement.

    The latest, insane offering from the lady who outed herself as a troll is this
    Anonymous9 November 2015 at 22:27
    In time, when everything's calmed down a bit and the PTB have worked out how to solve this trying and difficult dilemma, I hope Rosalinda and Kate can meet up for lunch/brunch or whatever and just have a human to human chat about anything but this blasted case.
    Insane indeed.

    Capable of being discreet ? Is that woman for real?
    She proves she's a [ Deleted - Mod ] head case every time she opens her motor gob. She who delights in telling the world and its dog of her mental health issues, going stroppy and going into suicidal meltdown each time she gets back her own medicine, and saying in the Sun interview that she's a bitch delighting in squishing people. That's not 'discreet' is it?

    Why in hell would Kate want to a foul mouth, malicious, [ Other words deleted - Mod ] bogus expert on every topic under the sun anywhere near her?

    She's a study subject of psychology students to her blog and she wants to analyse the psychology of Kate over personal chat ? What planet is she on? Fantasizing as usual.

    [ aiyoyo - Your post over-stepped the mark. All that you say may be true, but given RH's psychiatric issues which she admits it's not going to help to go in for heavy duty personal abuse - Mod ]
    scoobydoo » Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:13 pm
    Just had a neb at sykes and seen Hutton's latest offerings. Basicly in the first she blethers on about how she is happy she is alone and does not have a large supportive family and that she is in no way jealous of people like the McCanns who have found someone they want to live their life with, have children, a nice house in suburbia with room for a pony, and a large supportive family. Nope, not at all. And again she doesn't hate the McCanns she just wants them to stop looking for their missing child because she thinks they killed her. And her obsession, no interest sorry, is simply to do with human nature. Basically imagine Samantha from s.e.x in the city in Robbie Coltrane's role in cracker and there you have it.

    Her second post, contradicts this and refers to Kate's description of life is too perfect and alien to most people because basicly in real life having children drives you to divorce and murder and is miserable. But amaral is popular because people can empathise with him.

    Did she ever have a mind to lose? In her first post she is dripping with defensive jealousy and bitterness. She comes across as the sort of person who is constantly estranged from most family and former friends. The second post is trying to make herself feel better. Because Kate's description of life is normal to most people. I recognise it. Having toddlers is difficult but hugely rewarding. It's not a nightmare, its lovely. It doesn't drive you apart if you love ea h other it brings you even closer together. Yes holidays can be stressful especially if you travel by plane. Gone are the days where you strut through express security with a small travel suitcase wearing high heels, with children you have to queue up to drop your many suitcases off, and rush from post to post trying to stop the little ones from causing a security scare. I can understand exactly why on the connecting bus to pdl Gerry loomed frazzled. But its still fun to see little ones excited, and the holiday is great. Kate's description of life is spot on, I feel sorry for people who think it's so perfect as to be alien. Real pity for them.

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    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:50 pm

    Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton10 November 2015 at 17:00
    They have got themselves worked up into a bit of a tizzy again 15:48, lol - I think it's the viewing and comment figures that irk them the most. Sadly for the cesspit their readers are deserting them in droves because they don't allow debate, it was inevitable.

    They are going round in circles discussing the same cluedo ideas and theories as they were 7 years ago as if all their 'hard work and research' is somehow going to end up with star billing in the British library. Sadly, as much as we all love those lightbulb moments in the wee small hours, they are rarely of interest to anyone else. It's why I always advise people who want to write, to write for themselves.

    But back to the latest tirade of abuse, some of which was deemed unacceptable for public viewing and a possible suicide risk for a fragile mind that it was deleted by the mod, even though I would deserve it - nice people eh?.

    I don't need to get revenge. It cheers me that it is their own lack of anything interesting to say and their blinkered views that will finish them off, they have been hoisted by their own petards. Karma if you like.

    Actually, I am starting to become quite fond of this foul mouth, low life degenerate that I am supposed to be, lol. I think of her as 'Cristobella' (cheers tigger), I might even give her a blog of her own! An alter ego more blasphemous than myself, now there's an idea!

    The cesspit cannot blame their boring selves for the drop in their numbers, they must blame someone else. The first rule of popular writing is, never preach. Sadly, that is all they do.
    Anonymous10 November 2015 at 15:58

    "aiyoyo Today at 3:50 pm
    Why in hell would Kate want to a foul mouth, malicious, mendacious psychopathic lair, a self confessed nutcase and low pond life bogus expert on every topic under the sun anywhere near her?

    She's a study subject of psychology students to her blog and she wants to analyse the psychology of Kate over personal chat ? What planet is she on? Fantasizing as usual."


    Posts : 6835
    Join date : 2011-07-17


    Post  Sykes Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:26 pm

    Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton10 November 2015 at 18:09
    Oh dear JATKY2, in the fictional detective world we love our heroes to be flawed, it is all part of the David v. Goliath narrative. We love the dogged old thief takers who break every rule in the book, especially the ones with alcohol and mental health problems. We know that dealing with politics, inter departmental battlegrounds and form filling is pain in the butt - it is the central cry of every crime drama, both in fictional and in fact. When good guys are up against bad guys they can't follow Sunday School rules and if crimes are to be solved, we cannot and should not force them too.

    Goncalo Amaral is a man who was doing a tough job, a job most of us couldn't and wouldn't want to do. Somehow, even after all he had been through, he still wrote his book with compassion and understanding. That is noble in my eyes. He is still the detective seeking justice for the little girl, the job for him is not over. He still has the right to defend his reputation, and that again is the noble and honourable thing to do.

    What Kate and Gerry fail to understand is that most people have faults and flaws and it is the faults and flaws that endear them to others. The more Kate and Gerry put forward their examples of Pleasantville living and parenting, the more people will say wtf.
    The stupid mumser can't even get the name right, it's JATYK2 not JATKY2. Sykes

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