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    Posts : 6835
    Join date : 2011-07-17


    Post  Sykes Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:21 pm

    From Myths with thanks also for the post and screen shot.

    BIRCH SHOWS WHAT A TOTALLY EVIL SH*T HE IS 10636224_10152767460056756_6386162479334593331_n

    tigerloaf » Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:07 pm
    Birch has really shown his true colours with that last piece of disgraceful writing.

    We already knew that he was an online friend and colleague of the vile sicko Spivey whose language and filthy blogging is now being fully investigated (as it should be) by the police. But Birch has descended to depths even Spivey hasn't so far reached.

    The very fact that Birch, (the bonkers bumpkin from South Africa who admits freely his own illegal actions in Portugal and who was such a spineless coward that he only gave an interview to the press when he was legging it out of the country at the airport) has now shown that he is nothing more than a pervert. Only the most vile kind of pervert would even consider for one second the idea of contacting very young children who he does not know directly over such an issue. Only a truly disgusting pervert would have to take advice from others over such a matter.

    His willingness to post such a message is simply more proof that all those the anti-McCanns look up to are seriously disturbed.

    Stephen Birch from Cape Town who claims to have spent tens of thousands of pounds on a wild goose chase which has nothing to do with him and who now seriously considered such a perverse action as directly contacting the twins. The man is bonkers. Everybody including the antis knows it. Only Birch seems ignorant of the reputation he has.

    Lizzie Taylor (Hidehopeless) tbe garage door painter from Toronto whose incessant screeching about how important her "work" of recycling lies and libel which every intelligent person realises was nothing more than media speculation and who now rules with a rod of varnished iron her minions on her FB page. Her constant use of material which has been proven to be invalid, her complete inability to debate and defend her vile and liballous videos, her personal view of her own importance all demonstrate just how mad the woman really is.

    Tony Bennett, the ex solicitor from Harlow whose failures in social work and the law have left him as nothing more than a pimple on the bottom of society irritating and oozing verbal pus non-stop, having been recognised as being completely obsessive and probably bordering on insanity for years by pro-McCanns is now being recognised as such by other antis. His monthly payments to cover the legal costs of his idiotic contempt of the High Court are lasting proof of just how mad the man is.

    Linda (or does she want me to call her Rosalind or even Rosalinda?) Hutton, another one who failed in her bid in the courts over her unsupported and little believed hate comments about the nuns who were looking after her when her family failed her, who demonstrated her complete lack of a grasp of detail of the McCann case when rocking on the sofa on the now defunct David Icke TV show where the harpy interviewer had to lead her in every comment and who Pros always knew was a pothead with delusions is now also being recognised as completely mad by antis as well. An elderly woman whose language is that of the sewer. We can be pretty certain that her madness comes from drug use as she has frequently told us of this fact.

    And the others:

    Spivey himself (a conspiracy nutter with the most foul mouth), now likely to get more than a ticking off for his pernicious and filthy ideas.

    Mike Hardy, the gorilla-loving martial arts buffoon from Kent who is famous for posting threats of violence on the Internet,

    Peter McLeod formerly of Nottinghamshire Police and now running Finca La Guzmana in Spain (the only ex-cop who knows absolutely nothing about the law and who thinks blundering around tourist attractions in a foreign country trying to dig up non-existent bodies is wise),

    Deborah Butler from Kent who has never apologised for the lies she told about that so-called walk in Spain that she did just to have a dig at the McCanns and whose face will permanently be remembered for being plastered over the newspapers when they revealed her to be a vile stalker.

    Pat Brown, the pretendy "professional" profiler who can't give a single example of any case where she has worked professionally and who blundered around PDL without the slightest awareness of what she was doing. She failed to even note that the lighting had changed, she took part in the most unprofessional digging of a tourist attraction to find a body which she had previously decided was in England (carried there right through Heathrow no less, as a mummified corpse created in the wet sand of PDL). Barking mad egotist.

    Chelsea Hoffman, who lies about her qualifications, writes desperately about Madeleine for financial gain and has less understanding of the McCann case than most journalists have which is saying in other words almost absolutely no knowledge. A wannabee with a loud mouth.

    Every single one of them, obsessive, blinkered and willing to fraternise with the others no matter how scatalogical, scabrous or noisome they prove themselves to be. Every single one of them looked up to with affection by the numpties who hang onto their shirt tails and believe every bit of jibber jabber that proceeds from their idols keyboards. But every single one of them an absolute failure, a vile obsessive stalker of the parents of a missing child and every one of them demonstrating over and over again that their own ego matters far more than the missing little girl, Madeleine McCann, whose name their insane and often obscene comments betrays over and over again.

      Current date/time is Sat May 11, 2024 7:24 pm